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Calculate Your Zakat
Zakat Calculator
Wondering how to calculate your Zakat and whether you are eligible to pay it? Don't worry, our zakat calculator has simplified the calculation process for you. The assets that you need to pay Zakat are defined separately for your better understanding and for easy calculation. Fill the fields in the zakat calculator that are relevant to you. If the value of your assets exceeds the value of “Nisab” threshold, then 2.5% of the total value will be your payable Zakat.
Source Data: We obtained the gold prices from the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), which provides daily market prices in multiple currencies (USD, GBP, and EUR).
Averaging Monthly Prices: To smooth out daily fluctuations, we averaged the high and low prices of gold for each month from January 2024 to September 2024. This approach gives a more stable estimate of the average price over time.
Conversion to Canadian Dollars: After calculating the monthly average prices in USD, we converted them to Canadian dollars using the relevant exchange rate to make the Nisab calculation locally relevant.
Calculation for 87.48 Grams: The price of gold is typically quoted per troy ounce. We converted this price to grams and multiplied it by 87.48 grams to calculate the Nisab value for gold. For the year 2024, the Nisab threshold is $8,717.38 CAD.
Net Assets
Nisab Threshold
Total Zakat Payable (2.5%)